The Richland Springs Report


What a wild spring we are having, except it’s still winter. My poor old house is either getting wet or peeling back the tin on the roof from the winds. I’ve been waffling about repairs, but having expended all my energy to get it arranged the way I like, I need to get it repaired. My grand old lady is over 110 years old and deserves to be repaired. Money is usually the issue.

I was able to talk on video with my cousin Jeff on Friday. Jeff has been sent home with hospice to keep him comfortable. He has terminal cancer, and they claim he does not have long to live. I was able to talk with him, share some happy memories, and pray with him. I don’t know if it helped him, but it made me feel better to see him face to face and hear his voice. Some day I will get to visit him again. He and I are about seven months apart. When we were younger, my parents left me to babysit him, his sister Francine and then my three siblings. Nowadays they would call CPS for that kind of neglect. We managed to survive and prosper despite our parents. I asked him if he remembered a time when we were about 14. He came over to visit and brought a friend. He decided to show me that he was bigger than I was and could push me around. He forgot that I’m Scots/Irish. I grabbed a flyswatter and started beating him. The end flew off, and I kept walloping him with the wire handle. He never tried that again. We laughed about it, but he claimed he didn’t remember. I told him we had many happy memories to share, and I would keep him close in my prayers and heart.

The Men’s breakfast will be this coming Saturday at the Tabernacle if the weather is fine, or in the fellowship hall of the Baptist Church if it is not. Please come and invite your friends and their sons. Everyone is welcome, you need not attend the church. Breakfast starts at 7:00 a.m.

Junior High Coyotes brought home the WIN against Rochelle Thursday night 44-23. Junior High Lady Coyotes brought home the WIN against Rochelle Thursday night 60-0. Results from Friday’s game against Cherokee are as follows: Lady Coyotes 64-16 and Coyotes 7-38; both brought home the WIN against Cherokee Friday night. See photo on Page 11.

This week’s basketball games will be on the 8th and 9th.

Junior high will play Lohn on the eighth, Varsity boys will play Rochelle on the ninth. One Act Play will be out of school for a clinic on the 10th. Varsity will play against Lohn on the 13th.

We’re about a month away from Spring Break. I will be leaving a little early to go on the cruise. It’s working out well because I will get back in the middle of the break, which will give me time to regenerate. Hopefully, my students will be rested and ready to make the final push to STAAR testing. Look out everyone, before you know it the school year will be over, and I will be retired again.

Once again, the prayer list is long; so many people are out with Flu A, Flu B, Covid and Strep. I’m thankful I’m back on my feet with a few side issues. Did I forget our wonderful cedar fever month?

So, please check on your neighbors, make a bowl of soup and share with someone who is ill. Pray for the families of the three soldiers killed in the Middle East. We need to let people around the world know that we are the biggest and the “baddest,” and we will hurt them if they keep up this harassment. Please, Lord, bring peace to this troubled world and this nation. Pray for our police officers under attack, border agents being attacked, but most of all our precious troops and their families.